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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Response effects in Europe
Author Basso Larsen, R., Rathod, S.
Source Bloomerce
Year 2004
Access date 31.03.2006
Full text pdf (260k)
Abstract This paper is the international extension of the previously released paper entitled Response and Field Period Effects in which the effect of time on the quality of data collected via online surveys was investigated and conclusions were presented. The findings of this study give insight into how researchers can adjust their strategy of conducting online surveys in various countries and the effect that culture plays on response rate and time. This study was conducted using data available from Bloomerce’s multi-national, European panel including panelists from Denmark, France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom.
Access/Direct link SSI white papers
Year of publication2004
Bibliographic typeReports, seminars

Web survey bibliography - Other (439)
